100km Gran Fondo

Registration Cost: $80

5.30am on Sunday 7th September 2025 (arrive 5am)

Translating from “Big Ride” in Italian, the Kaeser Compressors Gran Fondo is your opportunity to be a part of Mackay’s longest annual cycle challenge. A test of endurance and mental strength, gran fondo rides are not for the faint-hearted, nor the inexperienced rider. Challenge yourself, train the distance and do the distance on Sunday 7th September and when you get to the finish line reap the reward: your exclusive Kaeser Compressors Gran Fondo roundel.

Starting and finishing at Mackay Botanic Gardens Amphitheatre, riders will ride out along Doyles Road to Marian Hampden Road before heading for Maraju Yakapari Road to Balnagowan, out along Nubia Conningsby Road and Farleigh Habana Road before heading back along Mackay Habana Road to Glenella Connection Road and finishing at Botanic Gardens Amphitheatre.

There will be food trucks, coffee and entertainment at the Start/Finish line. Keep an eye open for our event photographers and please respect our event Volunteers.

Ride the Gran Fondo for the ultimate bragging rights on the finish line. Every Gran Fondo registered rider who crosses the finish line will receive an EXCLUSIVE Kaeser Compressors Gran Fondo Roundel (Fabric Badge). 2025 Design to come.

100km Kaeser Compressors Gran Fondo - Course Map


Click on the event distance below to find out more…